Kevan 9th October 2020

Still trying to get my thoughts around the fact Bob has passed away. I have been looking for pictures and the only one that I can find at moment is the one I have posted from the Team Building meeting held in Valencia. Bob and I arrived there having driven over from Portugal where we had been holding meetings with Castro Verde on the "Backfill " project. Having picked Bob up in Lisbon and had meetings at the mine we drove over to Spain. Couple of very nice memories spring to mind especially of the dinner we had with the Rock Mechanics Engineer from the mine who took us up into the hills to sample "cabrito" and the finest bottle (or maybe more) of Dao I have ever had. Also the excellent night we had in a Pusada in Evora on the drive over to Valencia. I remember it so well. I am afraid a far lot of time I spent with Bob was down some pit and as such we didnt get that many pictures. Such as the night shift over New Year pumping Geolith ar Rawdon. As most will know Bob did like the odd beer. Another fond memory was from earlier days of a night out in the Black Country on a trip organised by the late Gilly Dean with some significant input from Dave Vincent to visit several watering establishments such as Pardoes to sample all the real ales such as Bathams ect, Fondly refered to as as Bob used to remind me quoting D V as half of nasty. Again cant recall every one that went on that trip but I suspect Tony Hughes and maybe John Hall as regular "inbibers" would have been present. The best memory though must be when they had the final heating at Birch Coppice. Bob and I turned up at "sparrows fart" to start the Geolith pumping exercise. When we were in old Billy Hardings ( The UnderManagers) changing rooms getting ready to go down the pit, Roy Malinder ( The Manger came in and said " OK Lads - good news and and bads news" We said what that MR M. He replied " bad news is we have stanked face off" I said whats good news then? He said canteens open. Bob also told the tale of Bill Harding taking him over to the Gate in Dordon for a couple of pints prior to a night shift when they stated off with Tekpak. Those memories will never fade and die. Dear Old Bob RIP Those memeories will live forever.