David 10th October 2020

Bob became a regular mail friend sharing his thoughts with me many times. It is still a shock to me that someone so lucid and active, with much to say and contribute, sharing so many things in common with me could be taken away from you and all of us ultimately. I miss him greatly and pray for him. He is in a way my last acquired friend - I have mostly baby boomer generation friends and got to know him quite late - 2000 about, initially in Malaysia where Fosroc had a regional office and I worked, and we met several times including after Fosroc e.g. in the UAE. His passing affected me profoundly and more than I could have imagined given our limited time of friendship and I think it is because he was that intelligent, resourceful soul with that zest in his mails that made someone want to write further, becoming a conversation rather than just a letter, an epistle rather than a passing comment. For Bob the world was naked, he could see all its flaws, offer experienced comment alongside his intellect with humour and especially his sharp wit. I had planned to take a trip and see him again. Sadly that can't happen. Though I only knew him a score of years I feel I knew him a lifetime and there is a vacuum where he once had that significant presence. As a Christian I do have faith that I will meet him again as with other absent friends, and it gives me some comfort and I hope, you and your family.